Friday, April 8, 2016

Wine for technical content you need a wine filter

  • Llo is a Chicago startup dedicated to keeping wines flavor-they believe it will improve the experience of tasting wine, drinking red wine and ultimately safer. A team of three members (a pharmacist, a wine expert and a chemical engineer) to put their skills to the test and create a red wine will change cleaning products, it can make red wine drinkers are not under the influence of preservative. Preservatives have many side effects, including allergic reactions. • Llo now has opened a Kickstarter page for their latest products • llo Purifier red wine production and distribution funding. Ten standard data industry bid farewell to leap


  As a product specifically designed for wine purification, u llo at the top your glass, and then using a sulphite-filtering techniques to remove harmful chemicals and preservatives. It even includes a screw device, depending on your preference for red wine breathe. This product is compact and easy to use: simply llo u at the top of any container, pouring red wine into a silicone Cup, looking at wine through nitrate filter and screw device into your glass-and does not contain any nitrites and sediment. By award-winning designer Scott Wilson, under the leadership of product design and branding company this MINIMAL design • llo and other products, and investment.

  "As an asthma patient, as you get older I noticed that nitrite is also a problem for me. When I took Chemistry (undergraduate and doctoral) education, knowledge began to learn more about nitrites, and why they are essential additives for wine. Then I was informed that this is a big problem for many people. As an organic chemist, I realize, have the technical ability to solve this problem, "ü founder and CEO James llo Kornacki CH said.


  This Purifier consists of three parts: the top of silicone Cup, nitrite of polymer fiber filter ventilation device and a BPA-free polymer materials, showing a beautiful spiral. Upper and lower part of the resistance to stains, you can use the washing machine, easy to clean. Kornacki CH introduces the process of design, "we understand aesthetic and functional appeal just as important as technology. We don't want to design a usable product--so you can put it in a drawer and soon forgotten. Instead, our focus is to create a beautiful, easy to use, high quality products, in the allow users to feel happy. "This product is also versatile, can be used for any trumpet glass bottles or glasses, cut glass wine bottle, so you have opportunities to share your wine with friends, or alone to enjoy a drink.


  "I also think that many consumers want chemicals to disappear from their diet. Eating natural food without preservatives, we have a lot of choices. And • llo, drinking red wine, we also have this choice, "Kornacki concludes. Basically, this is the wine a value not found in other products on the market.

  Kickstarter page, you can sponsor • llo and wine Purifier minimum deposit $ 60, u can get a llo Purifier and additional 5 nitrate filter.

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