Saturday, November 28, 2015

Just like snakes in your head twisted to the Google Glass do you like

Just like snakes in your head twisted to the Google Glass do you like

    According to PhoneArena reports, Google recently enjoyed a very interesting patents, Google Glass designed into the shape of a snake-like, is it sounds like a thriller to be? Homemade picture when it will be spring

Before Google Glass and ordinary glass is similar, you need two ears and nose as a fulcrum, and this new design requires only one side of the head is similar to the snake to a fixed position. In the United States Patent and Trademark Office file, the device name is "wearable devices with the input and output structures", "accept, transfer and display data".

From the structural point of view, this design can make Google Glass completely fit the shape of the head, and section will be displayed in front of the eye, of course, does not preclude later version of eyes. And the patent was first submitted by Google in September 2012, even earlier than Google Glass becomes synonymous with invasion of privacy. At that time, many bars, cinemas and restaurants to prevent their users from using Google Glass and even refer to them as "Glassholes".

Back when Google Glass has just released a variety of cool plans and display, and now Google Glass of fairly obvious contrast to the desolate. But obviously Google does not give up in this direction, the second generation Google Glass reportedly will focus on enterprise applications, it also has no choice in the ' best choice.

The Achilles heel of the AR: privacy

Google before the Glass is not successful, a large part of the reason is that it is equipped with a camera to violations of other people's privacy very much, but the problem is not the only Google Glass, but common to all AR devices. Maybe it's time for AR devices plus a function--recording of content analysis is not retained.

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